


Becoming an accredited Technical Official is an easy process and one that you should be confident in achieving. After completing the online modules, gaining some 'real world' officiating experience and getting the go ahead from your mentor, you will be required to complete a practical assessment.


  • The Practical Assessment
  • All trainees must undertake a practical competency assessment in each of the positions in a “real-world” setting.

    Those being assessed for a Starter, Judge of Stroke, or Inspector of Turns accreditation must also complete an oral or written assessment.

    Referees must also complete a written assessment.

    Trainees and Technical Officials can request assessments when they feel they are ready to progress or as their mentors recommend. The SNT Technical Manager will then schedule an appropriate time for this to occur.

  • Practical Assessment Guidelines
  • 1. Assessments will only be conducted if the Technical Official is a current Swimming NT member.

    2. Assessors must be approved by the Technical Education and Officiating Sub-Committee and must be approved to assess the module requested. Note: a minimum Accreditation of Referee Level 2 is required to assess Inspector of Turn, Judge of Stroke, Referee and Starter.

    3. Two (2) practical assessments are required for each Technical Official Trainee in the following roles, other roles not listed below only require (1) one assessment to be undertaken. Roles requiring two assessments:

    • Inspector of Turns

    • Judge of Stroke

    • Starter

    • Referee

    Two (2) assessments can occur at one Meet over two different sessions. 

    • Where there are two (2) differing assessments, the SNT Technical Manager will assess for competency.

    • Referee Level 1 and Starter Level 1 are eligible to be signed off at a SNT sanctioned Meet.

    • Referee Level 2 and Starter Level 2 are only eligible to be signed off at a SNT State Level Meet.

    • Referee 3 and Starter 3 are only eligible to be signed off at a National Level Meet by an accredited National Assessor.

    4. A copy of the practical assessment is to be provided to the SNT Technical Manager. Final approval will be determined by the SNT Technical Sub-Committee.


  • Assessment Requirements
  • Prior to going into your practical assessment, utilise the information below for the assessment you are undertaking. These documents are the assessment tools for each role and they outline what you will be assessed on.

    Referee Level 1

    Referee Multi-Class



    Inspector of Turns

    Judge of Stroke

    Check Starter


    Meet Manager Operator

    AOE Operator


    Chief Timekeeper

  • Accreditation
  • Once an assessment has been reviewed by the SNT TSC, the assessed Technical Official will receive a letter with either approval or disapproval status and a copy of their practical assessments. If the assessment has been approved, the information will be updated on the Swimming Australia (SwimAus) and SNT systems.

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